Oh My Goddess

Mara's next plan is to trick Keiichi into unbalancing his spirit and getting Belldandy to leave him.


Urd, who has the ability to duplicate herself into several "mini-Urds", steals Keiichi's homework to try and convince him to spend the day outside. Belldandy tries telling Urd that Keiichi needs to do his homework, but she inexplicably hears something that convinces her that they should actually go outside.

Mara watches as Keiichi and Belldandy ride through Nekomi on his motorcycle, but Sayoko is getting annoyed that Mara is doing nothing but sitting around her house. Mara shows Sayoko a crystal ball with a scale symbolizing the balance of Keiichi's heart. She explains that with just a nudge, that balance can be tipped either way, and Keiichi could belong to Sayoko. That said, Sayoko is only interested in getting rid of Belldandy, not winning Keiichi's heart.

Mara stalks Keiichi and Belldandy from above as they walk around town and enjoy the fresh air. Keiichi goes to get Belldandy a soda from a vending machine, but it's out of order. Belldandy senses Mara's presence for a moment and rushes toward Keiichi just as Mara activates a nearby semi-truck to hit Keiichi. Belldandy shoots a ball of pure energy toward Keiichi to knock him out of harm's way, but the rope holding the truck's cargo breaks, and Belldandy must summon all the nearby metal posts and lanterns to form a protective barrier around Keiichi.

Belldandy realizes Mara is near them, but she falls asleep after using too much magic. Keiichi picks her up and runs back to his motorcycle, but not before stepping in a puddle of dirty water and hurting his ankle, and finding that his motorcycle has a parking ticket on it, all of which he blames on Mara. On the contrary, Mara only arranged the mishaps with the truck and believes Keiichi simply has bad luck.

Mara confronts Keiichi just as he's about to ride off with Belldandy. Keiichi blames Mara for all their mishaps, but Mara claims to have the right to do that because, as she claims, Belldandy is her fiancée, and soon, his heart will tilt and he will have to do her bidding.

Keiichi takes Belldandy back to the temple, and Urd cooks a potion to restore her to normal. She finishes and tries looking for Keiichi, but she can't find him anywhere. At that moment, Mara attacks Urd from the ceiling, but Urd duplicates and avoids being grabbed. She reforms to her normal size, but Mara had slipped headphones into her ears and is immobilized when Mara plays enka music—something she is vulnerable to. Mara now believes Keiichi's balance will tip at any moment and leaves, but unbeknownst to her, Urd had kept a single Mini-Urd separate while the big Urd fell asleep.

Keiichi wanders outside and comes across Sayoko sitting on the side of her car. She strikes up a conversation with him and says she sympathizes with his plight about Belldandy and offers to be with him instead. Keiichi doesn't take up Sayoko's offer but nonetheless calls her a sweetheart for trying to make him feel better. Nonetheless, Mara sees that Keiichi's balance has shifted and now tries to influence it further, but she is interrupted by a fully-sized Urd.

Keiichi falls under the influence of the balance sphere and suggests to Sayoko that maybe he should switch to her from Belldandy, but Belldandy—who had woken up—overhears this and tells him that if she is no longer needed, then she'll have to return home. While Keiichi says his farewells to her, he is internally fighting against himself and breaks free from Mara's influence. He immediately hugs Belldandy and tells her he doesn't want her to leave. Urd shows up with Mara, who is listening to rock music through headphones and forced to dance to it because of its "demonic" qualities.

Urd explains what had happened to Keiichi, but when Keiichi asks Belldandy about being Mara's fiancée, Belldandy not only tells him that's not true, but Mara is actually a woman, something Urd breaks down into laughter over since Keiichi didn't already know that.

As Mara keeps dancing, Sayoko tells her to stop her "sinful gyrating to the beat" or else she'll leave.
