Oh My Goddess

With her plan to seal up Belldandy foiled, the powerful Demon Urd battles Belldandy and Goddess Urd.


Continuing where she left off previously, Skuld she tells Belldandy that the Urd she just shot at is an imposter, but then she realizes that, technically, both Urds are real. Keiichi runs outside but is confused when he sees two Urds before the Goddess Urd explains to him that Urd split into two beings.

Mara hides in a nearby tree and realizes that she had sealed up the Goddess Urd with an imprisonment program designed for half-goddess, half-demons, meaning it broke after Urd was split in two. Now, she's worried about Demon Urd, since she won't have the self-control Urd normally has and would easily use all of her destructive power in one go if she wanted to. She tells Senbei to "take care" of Demon Urd while she runs away. Meanwhile, Belldandy realizes that Demon Urd, with access to Yggdrasil's power, is possibly the most powerful Demon ever. However, without the balance from her goddess side, Urd wouldn't be able to control her energy and she could tear herself apart.

Belldandy attempts to warn Demon Urd, but she can't speak the words, as information about Goddess/Demon personality separation is classified information protected by a special program. Then, Demon Urd suddenly locks arms with Goddess Urd and spins them both around in a circle, leaving Keiichi, Belldandy, and Skuld unable to tell which Urd is which, as they both know the location of their alchemical ingredients as well as Keiichi's dirty magazines. However, Skuld checks one of the Urd's bottoms and says that she is the Demon Urd, as she had put a "G" goddess symbol on the Goddess Urd's bottom.  

Demon Urd calls Skuld a kid when she's impressed by her deductive ability, which makes Skuld impulsively want to throw a bomb at her before Belldandy stops her. She says that Demon Urd is just as much their sister as Goddess Urd, but the protection program keeps her from saying that if one-half of Urd is lost, then the other will fade away. Nevertheless, Demon Urd attacks Belldandy and Skuld with a lightning spell, forcing Belldandy to defend with a shield, but she can't hold against a second such attack.

Goddess Urd attacks Demon Urd with an even more powerful lightning spell, unwilling to let her other half kill her sisters. The two Urds have a battle, but Goddess Urd can't defeat Demon Urd while also having to protect the others. Demon Urd is about to deliver the finishing blow when her body begins to fail her, and she falls to the ground. Mara rushes out from hiding and grabs Demon Urd before Skuld can immobilize her with rock music from Banpei.

As Mara and Demon Urd return to their hideout with the latter seemingly in a lot of pain, Belldandy tells Goddess Urd that her other half couldn't endure using such power because her body is a clone, not a real one.
