The Almighty suddenly orders Urd return to Heaven in six hours, but she, her sisters, and Keiichi work to construct a magical mandala that will "accidentally" prevent her from leaving via a Return Gate.
Skuld finishes her "community service" attachment for Banpei, installing him on a motorcycle chassis connected to a water hose and adding dual rotating brooms. Urd hears Banpei power on from the kitchen inside, where she is busy making her latest love potion when suddenly, the water pump goes haywire and makes a huge mess in the room.
Urd furiously marches outside to demand an explanation, and Skuld admits that she accidentally put Banpei in the wrong gear and made him (as well as the water pump) work backward. Urd is too angry to accept Skuld's excuse and proceeds to channel magic into a lightning spell. Skuld doesn't believe that Urd can pull enough power from a single Moon ring to pull it off, but to everyone's surprise, Urd actually manages to cast lightning and totals Banpei's attachment. Urd is delighted to have her powers back and shoots off more lightning while Belldandy answers a phone call inside from the Almighty, who confirms that Yggdrasil is back online, but there's another, shocking piece of news that Belldandy delivers to Urd: the Almighty has instructed her to return to Heaven in six hours.
Inside, Urd doesn't take the news well and struggles to even stand and walk properly, but a miniature Mara has snuck inside the Temple and is delighted at the news. Keiichi meanwhile asks Skuld if she's worried about Urd, but she says that if they try to interfere, the Almighty might revoke all of their licenses. Keiichi figures she's right and Urd will come back eventually, but Belldandy informs him that, depending on the Almighty's will, Urd won't return for either a hundred or a thousand years. Keiichi is frustrated that Urd is leaving before he can pay her back for all the headaches she's caused him, and Belldandy thanks him for his concern. Then, he asks her an intriguing question: if and when the return gate from Heaven appears, what happens if they can't return?
Urd reminisces about the time she spent on Earth and can't believe she's getting depressed over such a short period of time, but a noise outside draws her attention. She finds Belldandy and Keiichi building a giant symbol on the ground called an "Ultimate Magical Warding Mandala". While Urd is confused, Skuld knows what Belldandy is attempting to do: if the return gate back to Heaven can not appear on Earth because of the mandala, then Urd wouldn't have to return. Skuld warns Belldandy that they too might be forced to return if they defy the Almighty, but Belldandy insists that the mandala is only in place to stop Mara from interfering, but Keiichi adds that it might prevent the return gate from appearing. Urd is on board with Belldandy and Keiichi's plan, and Skuld decides to help too.
A couple of hours later, with the power of magic and Banpei lifting some heavy rocks into place, the Ultimate Ward is completed, and just in the nick of time as the return gate appears and clashes with the mandala. However, Mini-Mara suddenly appears behind Banpei, as the mandala couldn't prevent her from appearing since she was already present earlier, and she flips the reversing switch on his back that makes him move one of the large stones out of place and thereby break the mandala. While Skuld can't move the lever because of a spell that Mara put on it, Urd starts floating into the air from the return gate. Belldandy begs Urd to grab her hand and Keiichi attempts to move the heavy rock, but Urd tells everyone to stop, thanking them for all their effort.
Just when all hope seems lost, Banpei suddenly drops the rock and allows the mandala to re-activate, causing a huge magical explosion in the sky. The return gate has disappeared, and Urd is still on Earth. Skuld cries in her lap about how she gave up, but Urd, aware that the Almighty is observing them, laughs about how setting the stone back into place happened to turn their mandala into a return gate destruction mandala.
The three goddesses take another phone call from the Almighty. He decides to leave the incident as having been an accident, but is upset with them because the sudden closing of the return gate caused Yggdrasil to crash again!
As Keiichi looks at the three of them, he figures that not only was the mandala the first time they ever cooperated on something, but it was also the first time they messed up together.