Oh My Goddess

Skuld accidentally and prematurely summons an angel whom she names Noble Scarlet.


Skuld becomes enamored with angels as she watches Belldandy and Holy Bell sing a song to revive a dying tree. She goes inside Urd's room to ask if she has an angel too, but she's absent. Instead, she finds a labeled "Angel's Egg" with handwritten instructions specifically for Skuld to neither touch nor ever look at it! Predictably, Skuld calls Urd's bluff and touches the egg all over, eventually dangling it over her open mouth and pretending that she'll eat it. Urd catches Skuld in the act and yells her name, which startles Skuld and makes her actually swallow the egg. Urd tries making Skuld puke the egg out, but a scared Skuld runs to Belldandy and passes out before she can do so, as the egg hatched inside her body.

Urd and Belldandy look over the unconscious Skuld in Belldandy's room. They realize that with Skuld's current magical abilities, it's a 50-50 shot whether or not her angel runs out of control, but while Urd wants to seal the angel, Belldandy wants to take the risk in case Skuld produces an angel that adopts the best of her personality. With the angel ready to emerge, the two sisters concentrate their magic on Skuld and produce the angel out of her body, though it turns out to be rather small.

Keiichi returns later, and Skuld wakes up in time to show him her angel, whom she has named Noble Scarlet. Urd tells Skuld that she isn't ready for an angel and offers to seal up Noble Scarlet again, but Belldandy believes that she isn't powerful enough to run out of control. Thus, wanting to prove to Urd that her angel is useful, Skuld spends much of the day with Noble Scarlet doing various things, including fixing Keiichi's CD player, doing laundry, and reading shoujo manga.

Sentaro visits again after having returned from a vacation to give her a necklace he got as a souvenir, as well as inviting her to see him participate in a BMX race next week. Skuld contemplates kissing Sentaro on the cheek, reminiscent of what she read in a manga, but she decides against it. However, Noble Scarlet reads Skuld's mind and decides to help Skuld by pushing her into Sentaro, making her accidentally kiss him. Sentaro is surprised by Skuld and quickly rides away in embarrassment.

Inside the house, Skuld angrily throws things at Noble Scarlet, thinking that Sentaro now finds her weird, and she tells her angel that she hates her. A saddened Noble Scarlet finds Belldandy and tells her what happened with Skuld, and Belldandy reassures Noble Scarlet that Skuld doesn't hate her. Indeed, Skuld makes up with Noble Scarlet after a while when she brings ice cream for her, though Skuld warns her that if she butts in between her and Sentaro again, she'll have to go back inside her Angel's Egg.

Skuld attends the BMX race and watches as Sentaro outclasses the other races as he closes in on victory, only to crash while trying to avoid a crashed racer standing in the middle of the track. Sentaro sees Skuld looking worriedly at him, and he is inspired to get right back up and ride even faster than before. He wins the race and is crowned as the BMX Junior Division grand champion. Skuld still feels shy from accidentally kissing him earlier and wants to leave without congratulating him, but Noble Scarlet pushes her through the crowd to the front to meet Sentaro. She congratulates Sentaro on the spot and shakes hands with him.

As Skuld leaves, she suddenly realizes that Noble Scarlet isn't with her anymore. Urd and Belldandy show up and Urd hands Skuld her Angel's Egg, telling her that she wasn't ready for an angel after all. As she explains, angels are absolutely obedient to their mistress and that Skuld can't say things without thinking; Skuld realizes that Noble Scarlet obeyed Skuld's earlier order to return to her Angel's Egg if she interfered with her and Sentaro again. Skuld begins weeping and says that she loved Noble Scarlet, and Belldandy comforts her by saying that Noble Scarlet loved her as well and that she will need to take good care of her until she has enough power to summon her again.

The next day, Skuld finds Sentaro and shows him her new necklace, her Angel's Egg, though Sentaro gets jealous as he mistakenly believes that another man gave that necklace to her.
