Oh My Goddess

Keiichi finds himself as the acting director of the Motor Club just before they compete in a hill-climbing motorcycle competition.


Sora Hasegawa delivers news to Keiichi and Belldandy at the Motor Clubhouse: both Tamiya and Otaki are out sick, and Keiichi remembers that there was supposed to be some race in a couple of weeks. Sora mentions that the club will need a temporary director, and the club unanimously elects Keiichi for that role. Keiichi is dismayed at being thrust into a leadership role, but Belldandy is happy because it means that they trust him, and now they'll see how wonderful he is.

The next day, Sora hands Keiichi an entry form for the competition and he learns that it is a Hillclimb, a motorcycle sport where riders use specially designed bikes to climb hills as steep as seventy or even eighty degrees in a single, wild charge, and those who cartwheel their bike risk falling hundreds of feet to the ground! Regardless of the danger, Keiichi calls the competition to sign up, but the deadline was yesterday, and Tamiya and Otaki had missed it. He figures he can ask them in person, but Sora insists that she go instead, saying that the leader should delegate responsibilities and stay in one place.

While Sora goes out, Keiichi gets the rest of the club to dig up all the spare parts they have to build their motorcycle, but they only manage to scrounge up miscellaneous junk along with a mini-bike frame and a Kawasaki 750 "widow-maker" engine. Keiichi decides he could fit the 750 onto a reinforced bike frame, and with Belldandy using magic to help the club members remember more parts, they have everything they need to begin building. While Keiichi still holds on to the hope of not making it, Sora returns and announces that they are in the competition. As it turns out, the organizers she spoke with assumed she was a twelve-year-old junior high student and accepted her request out of pity.

Keiichi and Belldandy return home were Urd, Skuld, and Megumi want to celebratee his efforts, but Keiichi is tired and needs to work on blueprints for the bike to be used tomorrow morning. Megumi asks if she can do anything for him, and he asks her for some money since the Motor Club only has ¥218 left to its name. Megumi chooses to leave, promising to come up with something for him, and Keiichi continues working until he falls asleep at his desk. Urd asks Belldandy if she will finish his work, advising her against helping too much since he won't learn anything. Belldandy tells her that Keiichi will work himself to death if she lets him and that it may be her job to be pushy. Urd accepts that answer and decides to help too along with Skuld.

Keiichi wakes up and finds that his blueprints are completely finished. Assuming he is upset at what she did, Belldandy wants to apologize to Keiichi, but he tells her that Sora was right about him and that he can't do everything himself, so instead of being angry at her, Keiichi thanks her for her work. Belldandy hugs him, saying that it's exactly that attitude that makes her love him. Later, back at Nekomi Tech, the Motor Club assembles a pristine bike according to the goddesses' blueprints. Even better, Megumi shows up and hands Keiichi ¥200,000 that she gathered by convincing people she knows at the shopping mall to sponsor him.

Two weeks later, Keiichi suits up to ride the motor club's motorcycle in the competition, as neither Tamiya nor Otaki are present. They witness a wipeout nearby, and Keiichi is intimidated by the size of the hill he must climb, unsure if he can do it successfully, but Belldandy taps the back of his helmet and tells him that he can because she'll be waiting for him at the top.

Keiichi makes his dash up the hill and impresses Tamiya and Otaki, who have suddenly appeared right behind Sora, and who have decided that this "cinches it". Continuing, Keiichi manages to balance and throttle correctly up the hill until he reaches the top, soaring into the air above a jubilant Belldandy. Once he finishes, Tamiya and Otaki meet him and say that they've chosen him to be the new director of the Motor Club as of tomorrow, as the two of them are graduating from Nekomi Tech this year. Keiichi tries saying he's unqualified for the job, but they tell him that it's not a matter of being qualified, but whether he can be a leader for others, which he has proven to them.

As Keiichi thanks Tamiya and Otaki, he reminds himself of what Belldandy says, that happiness is measured by how many times you can thank someone from the bottom of their heart, but he decides that this occasion doesn't count. As it turns out, Tamiya and Otaki will be staying at Nekomi Tech for graduate school, and they'll be forming a two-man committee overseeing the director; essentially, Keiichi has assumed all their responsibilities without any of their actual power.
