Oh My Goddess
Oh My Goddess

Peorth arrives on the scene, and the boy reveals his true plot with his alteration of time.


Peorth appears just as the boy is about to attack Keiichi. He is confused since he had attacked and seemingly defeated the goddess earlier, but Peorth explains while she didn't escape unscathed, her angel Gorgeous Rose protected her from harm. While they're ready to resume their fight, Keiichi stops Peorth to ask what she's doing here. She tells him she learned that boy was hacking Yggdrasil's time management system, hence the recent time anomalies on Earth, and she chased him here.  

When confronted, the boy explains that he didn't actually want to alter time, but he was waiting for his virus to spread to the furthest reaches of Yggdrasil. He then pulls out a small switch with a button that he presses in dramatic fashion, though Peorth and Keiichi are confused as to what he did. The phone just inside the house rings, and the boy invites Peorth to answer it. Urd is on the other end in Heaven, and she tells Peorth that all of Yggdrasil's subsystem processes are shutting themselves off. Skuld yells nearby that they need to get to Belldandy since they can't fix the issue themselves, but the call abruptly cuts off.

Peorth realizes that Skuld was warning about, and the boy confirms that all time will come to a stop. The boy dismisses her fury and claims that it won't be such a big deal since nobody will die from it. However, Peorth tells him that there's a difference between living and "not dying", and that since time and existence are two sides of the same coin, a world without time is one without any meaningful existence.

Belldandy experiences a dream where she, as a little girl, asks the boy what his name is. Meanwhile, Keiichi charges at the boy to try and snatch the switch out of his hands, but the boy is too quick for him and he conjures four ball-and-chains on his limbs to immobilize him. He toys with Keiichi like a dog before Peorth tries grabbing the switch herself, but he retaliates by using a power he'd kept hidden until now, the power to rewind other people's time! He uses this ability to transform Peorth into a little girl, meaning that she lacks the necessary power to summon Gorgeous Rose and can't move around too much without her clothes slipping off her body.

Keiichi asks the boy why he wants to stop time, since he was trying so hard to have Belldandy remember him. In response, the boy asks Peorth if she's heard of the doublet system, or "shared lives" as Peorth calls it. He now reveals that he and Belldandy are a pair of doublets.
