Oh My Goddess
Oh My Goddess

Sora Hasegawa seeks Belldandy's help to become a better cook, while Toshiyuki Aoshima believes she has a crush on Keiichi and plans to take advantage of it.


Inside the Motor Clubhouse with Belldandy and Sora, Keiichi notes how all of Tamiya and Otaki's miscellaneous junk has crowded up inside, and it's so carefully stacked that nobody dares touch it. Then, Toshiyuki sneaks up from behind and takes a bite out of his lunch, made for him by Belldandy. Immediately, he is amazed by her cooking and compliments her, but when Keiichi tries to pry him away from her, Toshiyuki trips his foot and makes him run into the pile of junk and makes it all crash to the floor. Tamiya and Otaki enter at that moment and make Keiichi put everything back the way it was while Toshiyuki runs off scot-free. Meanwhile, Sora curiously picks up Belldandy's bento box.

The next day, Sora greets Keiichi and Belldandy and offers Keiichi a bento box she made for him. Though he already has Belldandy's lunch to eat, she convinces him to try Sora's lunch. Unfortunately, the presentation is unappetizing and a single bite of it is all Keiichi can stomach. Sora admits that her cooking is awful and that she always got bad grades in home economics because of it. Thus, she begs Keiichi to let her come to his home to learn how to be a better cook, but Toshiyuki eavesdrops on this conversation and plans to capitalize on what he believes is her crush on Keiichi.

Another day passes and Sora drives to the Temple, but she is confronted by a hostile Banpei, as Skuld forgot Belldandy's request to turn him off. Inside, Belldandy apologizes for the incident, but Sora compliments Skuld's robot, which makes her instantly befriend Sora and she vows to help her cook. Now, Belldandy tries showing Sora how to use a kitchen knife, but Sora blunders her way through slicing a cucumber. Sora is disheartened by the result and tells Belldandy how she is so lucky to be great at everything and be liked, suggesting that God is unfair. Belldandy hugs her and says that everyone is unique and has their own talents that make them special, and that she shouldn't give up because maybe, cooking her could be what makes her special.

Just then, Urd approaches them with her food flavoring she guarantees will improve Sora's cooking, but she's quickly overshadowed by Skuld and her newest attachment for Banpei, equipped with several pairs of limbs for various tools. Sora is grateful for their offers but tells them that she wants to learn how to cook better by herself. While Sora goes back to cooking and Skuld yells at Urd for being a hypocrite and lying about not trying to help Sora, Keiichi lays on all fours on the floor, begging for something to eat. As night falls, Sora thanks Belldandy for her help and believes that she can make a proper bento lunch, and Belldandy tells her that now, her feelings will reach "his" heart. Sora is amazed that Belldandy knows about that and leaves, but Keiichi is confused, and a nearby Urd is interested and decides to get more involved.

The next day at the clubhouse, Sora is waiting inside with a new bento box while mini-Urd secretly stuffs something inside of a nearby duffel bag. Keiichi and Belldandy then enter but Belldandy leaves again to go get some tea from a nearby store. Suddenly, Toshiyuki locks the door from the outside, believing that being forced inside will make Keiichi and Sora fall for each other, and planning to unlock the door again to let Belldandy walk in on the two of them. As he walks away, Keiichi tries to escape, but Sora tells him that Belldandy will return soon anyway, so they should just have lunch.

Belldandy senses Urd's presence nearby and catches her brandishing her love tablets, making her confess that she put a love potion in Sora's bento. Meanwhile, Keiichi is impressed with how much Sora's cooking has improved in just a single day. Unexpectedly, Sora asks Keiichi if she would've been happier falling in love with him, and outside, Belldandy returns sooner than Toshiyuki expected and reluctantly opens the door for her. However, nothing happened between Keiichi and Sora.

Sora then takes out another bento box she has and hands it to him, saying it came straight from her heart. Keiichi is surprised that Sora had a crush on Toshiyuki, but Belldandy says she had a woman's intuition and just knew how Sora felt. As for Urd's love potion, she had accidentally placed it in the wrong box, and as Tamiya approaches Toshiyuki and his bento from behind, he succumbs to the potion's effect and falls in love with Toshiyuki.
