A cute freshman and amateur exorcist named Shiho Sakakibara wants to perform an exorcism on Keiichi at the temple, which puts Belldandy's trust in Keiichi to the test.
A girl slips a letter into Keiichi's locker at Nekomi Tech just before he and Belldandy exit a ceramics lab. Upon finding it, Keiichi sees it's from a girl named Shiho Sakakibara, a freshman electronics major. The letter reads that she had been wanting to speak with him for some time but has finally summoned the courage to do so, and she will be waiting at a fountain so that she can tell him how her heart feels about him.
Keiichi is amazed that, for once, someone wrote him a love letter, but he panics when Belldandy wants to know what the letter is about. Unfortunately, Urd is hiding inside his locker and reads the letter out loud. She gets out and asks Keiichi what he will do, but while he is unsure, Belldandy tells him that it takes great emotional strength to reveal one's inner feelings, so he owes Shiho an answer. Keiichi wonders if Belldandy trusts him that much, or if she doesn't think it's something to get jealous over.
The three of them meet Shiho at a fountain, where Keiichi can't help but admit how cute she is. Just before he rejects her, Shiho suddenly swings a pebble pendulum in front of him and claims that he has been possessed by an inhuman spirit. Keiichi wonders if the secret about the goddesses came out, but Shiho says that she's been practicing exorcism for two years and promises to expel the evil spirits inside him. Urd gets frustrated with Keiichi's inability to soundly reject Shiho and Belldandy's reluctance to do anything about it, but Shiho tells them that she must stay at their home for the night to exorcise Keiichi.
Shiho takes over Skuld's room for the night because it is in the best "direction" for expelling ghosts, and Skuld is too scared by the thought of them existing to complain. Keiichi wants to apologize to Belldandy for going along with Shiho's request, but Belldandy tells him he doesn't need to apologize for anything, and more than anything, she was worried that Shiho may actually have had feelings for him that he would've had to reject.
Now, Shiho appears wearing a shrine maiden's outfit for the exorcism, and to start off with, she gets close to Keiichi and makes him synchronize his breathing with hers. Suddenly, a light fixture nearby explodes, and Shiho quickly puts on a necklace of various religious symbols and plasters several ofuda charms in the room they're in to reveal the evil spirits, and this reveals a flurry of grotesque spirits in the room. Skuld desperately tells Shiho to do something, but Shiho says that her wards failed and she cowers in a corner of the room.
Belldandy and Urd take a close look at one of the ofuda charms, and Urd reasons that, among Shiho's gimmicks, this one actually evokes low-level spirits. Upon ripping it off the wall, the spirits disappear, and Shiho mistakenly believes that her wards just needed time to kick in and that she has a talent for exorcism.
With her service complete, Shiho thanks Keiichi for being the first person to go along with her hobby and believes there's more to him than meets the eye. As a final token of appreciation, she kisses him on the cheek, but Belldandy sees them, and a bunch of objects around the temple break and go haywire, including Banpei. Shiho believes this is a challenge from the spirits, but Urd tells Keiichi that its power coming from Belldandy, as she is not a doll and feels jealous like everyone else. As she speaks about how love isn't always pretty, Belldandy withdrawals to a lonely part of the temple and feels heartbreak swelling up inside her.
Shiho puts on another outfit and performs a dramatic summoning spell in Skuld's room with a hexagram she drew on the floor, but Keiichi notices that Belldandy looks paler than usual. Shiho summons what she believes is Kundali, a spiritual protector of humanity, but the spirit is actually Garm, the watchdog of Nibelheim—the land of the dead. Shiho tells Garm that he isn't the one she wanted to summon, but this offends him and the decides her crime is worthy of death.
Garm lunges forward, but Belldandy projects a forcefield to stop Garm in place. Urd and Skuld are unable to do anything to get rid of Garm while a scared Shiho pushes herself into Keiichi. Seeing the two of them together makes Belldandy emit a powerful blast of magic, and Urd realizes that jealousy weakens the magical seal Belldandy wears with her earring. She uses a remote body control spell to make Keiichi grope Shiho's chest in front of Belldandy, and the resulting magical explosion vanquishes Garm.
Keiichi comes to his senses and sees that Belldandy is sobbing. She calls herself horrid for believing she was worried for Shiho's safety when in reality, she was only worried that she would lose him to her, despite saying that she trusted him earlier. Keiichi recites to her what Urd told him and says that she wants to be with her forever because wanting to be with someone despite the anger and tears that come with love means that it's beautiful.
While Belldandy hugs Keiichi, Shiho regains consciousness and believes that she warded off Garm with her gift for exorcism, and Urd reluctantly admits she must have some talent if she was able to summon him in the first place. Later on, Shiho becomes a professional spiritualist at Nekomi Tech, but her supposed gift turns out to be a fluke.