Tarakihongan (from OMG! Colors)
Tarikihongan Temple is a Buddhist temple and one of the primary locations features in the series. In the manga and TV series, Tarikihongan is is a run-down facility looked after by a monk named Koshian, whereas in the OVA it is already abandoned and dilapidated.
After they were promptly kicked out of Nekomi Tech's male dormitory, Keiichi and Belldandy find shelter at Tarikihongan in exchange for helping Koshian maintain the place. Seeing the decripit conditions, Belldandy uses a singing spell to restore the temple to its former glory. Koshian, who witnesses Belldandy's magic and belives it to be a form on enlightened Buddhism, soon leaves the temple in their hands, leaving behind a letter stating he has embarked on a spirtiual journey to India to discover the "true Buddhism" which Belldandy demonstrated. After living alone for some time, Belldandy and Keiichi are joined by Belldandy's two sisters Urd and Skuld as permanent residents. At times, Peorth also lives with them as a temporary resident.
The Tarikihongan complex is divided between the small home home which Keiichi and the goddesses take up residence in, and the Buddhist temple itself. After its debut chapter, the temple and it's interior are almost never seen, presumably because it's a mostly empty space with no particular reason for anyone to enter. Additionally, no strangers are ever seen visiting the temple to make offerings, possibly because its in an inconvenient location—it's situated atop a large hill that overlooks Nekomi and is outside walking distance.
The only clue to the Temple's origin is that it is either of a Buddhist or Shinto origin (The Manga, OAV, and TV Series all differ slightly on this) but since the temple appears to have both Shinto and Buddhist traits, one can not be entirely sure. In the TV series and the Movie, we see the main inside of the temple (Which is at the very start of the Manga, right when Belldandy and Keiichi arrive there for the first time), and in the TV series there is a large statue of a Jizo (Protective Statue); but in the movie, the Statue appears to have been removed (Or moved to another location) at some point previously.
Home Interior[]
The house which everyone lives in is divided into several rooms as follows:
Keiichi's Shop[]
Keiichi room, which is both where he sleeps and works (at a drafting desk). The room also has a TV, a computer, a boombox, and various other electronics. There also shelves and desk cabinets which he uses to store other miscellaneous objects, including his secret dirty magazines!
Tea Room[]
This is Belldandy's room which during the daytime serves as a secondary living room, as Belldandy pulls out a low table and allows people to come inside and chat with her. Of the rooms, hers has the least inside, with a large clock being the only noteworthy object in the room apart from the table.
Urd's Room[]
Also known as "Urd's Castle" in later volumes. Urd's room doubles as an alchemical laboratory, and she keeps a large stock of magical ingredients in cabinets on the walls and creates new potions, usually love potions. Her room is the most elaborate of them all, with a large circular carpet in the center and curtains draping the corners of the ceiling.
Living Room[]
The house's primary living space. It is located across the hall from Belldandy's room and is directly connected with the kitchen. It has a low table just like the one in Belldandy's room, but it also has a TV in the corner for Urd and others to watch.
As expected of being built on the grounds of a Buddhist temple, the kitchen is very-old fashioned and doesn't have any modern hookups. A hand-cranked water pump is required to get fresh water, and the stove is wood-fired instead of relying on gas. However, nobody has a problem with this, least of all Belldandy, the resident cook.
The grounds surrounding the house and temple are walled in on multiple sides, and the only entrance is a small stone staircase leading up from the road directly in front of the temple. In the middle of the house is additionally a small pond with some large rocks in the middle as well as a plum tree, which on one occasion was how the spirit Troubadour was able to appear on Earth.