While Mara takes possession of a demonic artifact, Urd's goddess license gets suspended after repeatedly lying and she must live like a normal human.
Inside a desert cavern, Mara finds a mystical urn of "Mao Za Haxon", though her initial attempt to wake up the urn doesn't work and she feels stupid having to talk to it. Nonetheless, she takes possession of it because it has the power to destroy the goddesses.
At the Temple, Belldandy is surprised she didn't sense the forthcoming rain, and now all the laundry she was hanging out to dry got has gotten wet. Inside, Urd and Skuld are watching TV when a nearby phone rings. Urd tells Skuld to go pick it up because, according to her, it's a bad day for big sisters to pick up the phone. Skuld berates Urd for lying and says that her license will get suspended if she keeps it up, but Urd doesn't take her seriously. Only after Urd loses a bet with Skuld involving one of her bombs does she pick up the phone, and it turns out that the Lord is calling.
Belldandy and Keiichi come inside to investigate Urd suddenly crying out "No!", and as she slowly mutters, she had her license suspended. Belldandy explains to Keiichi that a goddess's license gives both rights and responsibilities, and the penalties for lying are particularly stiff; accumulating too many of them results in an immediate suspension of one's license. Urd gets angry everyone is talking about her, but she refrains from actually attacking them because using magic with a suspended license will result in its permanent revocation.
As Urd visibly isn't taking the suspension well, Keiichi asks Belldandy how long it's supposed to last. Belldandy holds up five fingers, but Keiichi mistakenly believes it means five years when Urd clarifies that it lasts fifty years! Then, she suddenly announces that she's decided to become a human after watching Pinocchio do it on TV. She asks Skuld to lend her some money so she can buy clothes and then heads out, unaware that Keiichi and Belldandy are following her on his motorcycle.
Unable to fly like normal and finding walking inconvenient, Urd heads to Megumi's place. She manages to convince her to let her use her motorcycle, but she has to quickly re-learn how to ride one because her license got suspended. She quickly speeds off before Megumi remembers to lend her motorcycle helmet too.
Soon after setting off, a police car pursues Urd for not wearing a helmet. Upon being threatened to have her driver's license revoked, Urd gets irritated and refuses to stop. More police cars follow, though the officers seem more interested in getting a look at her bare legs than arresting her. While Keiichi and Belldandy follow, Belldandy suddenly feels a dark presence surrounding them, and Urd begins hearing a voice in her head right as she is about to collide with an oncoming car. Belldandy uses magic to push Urd out of harm's way, and she lands on a pile of garbage.
Urd is frustrated that people treat her badly regardless if she's a goddess or human and starts crying, but the voice in her head encourages her to recognize her "demonic" blood and her status as the heir to the "Dark Lord", and convinces her to embrace it after promising her all the power she wants.
Belldandy rushes over to her sister, but Urd, with a radically different appearance, says that she no longer recognizes her old name and proclaims she is the heir to the Lord of Terror who shall destroy everything. Belldandy tries convincing her to stop, but Urd refuses to listen and disappears from sight, leaving Belldandy distraught at what's happened to her sister.
The eyes of the Mao Za Haxon urn finally open, and Mara uses it to transport the Lord of Terror to where she is. However, Mara seems confused when Urd is the one who appears before her.