The sixth Volume of the Oh My Goddess! manga covers chapters 37-42.
This volume notably contains the second half of the six-chapter "Lord of Terror" story arc, continuing where it left off from at the end of Volume 5.
Volume Description
Ever since a cosmic phone call brought the literal young goddess Belldandy into college student Keiichi's residence, his personal life has been turned upside-down, sideways, and sometimes even into strange dimensions!
With Urd in Terrible Master mode, the goddess once known for simply being wicked hot is now both hot and wicked! Having freed the great Fenrir Wolf, Urd has thereby activated the Ultimate Destruction Program, which promises just what it says . . . unless her sisters Skuld and Belldandy can stop it!
Chapter List
Urd Wakens the Wolf
Urd awakens the mythical wolf Fenrir and attempts to use its destructive power while Belldandy and Skuld try and use a vaccine to delete the Ultimate Destruction Program.
The Secret of the Lord of Terror
The Ultimate Destruction Program has replicated itself into the vaccine Midgard, causing it to turn on its users.
Keiichi has become the Lord of Terror and makes Skuld build a scythe capable of cutting the universal superstring and destroying the universe.
Robot Battle
Skuld and Megumi face off in a robot competition at Nekomi Tech, where they must build machines that can collect large drum barrels.
The Trials of Morisato
With Yggdrasil down, the goddesses must rely on alternative methods of acquiring life-sustaining energy, and Keiichi must find a solution before Urd and Skuld's expensive demands bankrupt him!
Urd's Fantastic Adventure
While still stuck in a child's body, Urd meets and befriends a young boy named Shohei Yoshida.