Oh My Goddess

Tamiya falls in love with Peorth in a chance encounter, and Peorth decides to warm up to him after mistakenly believing that he is in love with Keiichi.


Tamiya stops by the Temple to tell Keiichi something important regarding the Motor Club, but he doesn't receive an answer. He opens the front door to the house to see if anyone is home and is immediately hugged by Peorth, who was expecting Keiichi. While Peorth panics upon seeing the "beast" she's holding, Tamiya is enamored by Peorth's beauty. After Peorth flees in terror, Urd comes to greet Tamiya but finds him completely unresponsive, even after Urd shows him some skin to get a reaction. Just then, Keiichi, Belldandy, and Skuld arrive home, and they suspect Urd is seducing Tamiya.

Tamiya snaps out of his hypnosis and drags Keiichi outside to privately ask him about the woman he met. He is delighted upon learning her name, as the narrator says this is the first time in four years, six months, and ten days that Tamiya has been in love. Watching them glance at them, Belldandy mistakenly believes that Tamiya is in love with Urd, and she tells her big sister that she must give Tamiya a proper answer to his feelings. Meanwhile, Peorth makes an even more incorrection assumption, that Tamiya and Keiichi are male lovers, just like the yaoi that she has seen in her manga. Not wanting any competition, she knows that she must get Tamiya out of the picture.

Tamiya hops back on his motorcycle just as Belldandy, wanting to encourage him to express his feelings to Urd, tells him that he should return some, perhaps even tomorrow. As he speeds off, Keiichi tells himself that his senpai has no chance with Peorth and is worried there will be trouble if he sees Peorth still clinging around him. Inside his dorm room, Tamiya eats food with Otaki, with the latter encouraging him to go for Peorth. He also asks if he was able to tell Keiichi about the "junkyard", but Tamiya says he'll do it tomorrow.

The next morning, Tamiya parks his motorcycle at Nekomi Tech and immediately finds Peorth sitting nearby, eagerly awaiting him. She explains that she's new to the area and asks him to give her a tour of Nekomi Tech. Meanwhile, Keiichi and Belldandy walk together on campus, at which point Belldandy finally learns from Keiichi that Tamiya is in love with Peorth, not Urd. They then notice a commotion nearby and Sora Hasegawa directs their attention to Tamyia and Peorth walking by, amazing onlookers as they witness a real-life Beauty and the Beast.

Peorth spots Keiichi and Belldandy and is delighted to see them here, as now Keiichi will see that his affair with Tamiya is over and realize her feelings for him. She and Tamiya continue exploring Nekomi Tech until they reach the Motor Clubhouse and its nearby junkyard, which Tamiya warns her to stay out of. Just then, Belldandy calls Peorth's attention, and when the two goddesses are secluded, she asks Peorth to stop toying with Tamiya's feelings, as he's obviously very much in love with her. Peorth won't have any of it, and, still believing Tamiya and Keiichi are lovers, questions Belldandy's lack of concern for Keiichi. She says she will protect Keiichi, and as she turns to leave, she tells Belldandy that she hasn't changed and that she still remembers "that moment" from long ago. Belldandy is left confused as to what Peorth is referring to.

Looking for Belldandy, Keiichi wanders into the junkyard and is confronted by Peorth, while Tamiya inadvertently eavesdrops on them as he too enters. While Peorth tries warming up to Keiichi with her words, she abruptly slips and falls off the mound of junk she was standing on, and Keiichi catches her in his arms. More junk begins falling on them, and Keiichi suspects Peorth is using magic to direct it toward them while she claims she's helping. Then, a motorcycle engine is about to fall on them when Tamiya suddenly appears behind them and blocks it with his large body. He asks if they're okay, and once Peorth answers yes, he tells them to be careful heading back as he leaves them alone, and he tells himself that he caught a glimpse of heaven. He later starts crying about how Keiichi is hogging all of the women and vows to punish him tomorrow.

Peorth finally learns that Tamiya was in love with her, not Keiichi. Meanwhile, Belldandy is troubled by what Peorth told her, as she has no idea what happened between the two of them in the past.
